Tag Archives: business

Water Taxi ferry stops operation

Many weeks ago I  joined a group of mad hatters (the Scarlatt O’Hatters local group all decked out in purple clothes and donning elaborate red hats) on a river journey upstream from Sandy Bay to New Norfolk on the Derwent River.

I loved the historical information which the water taxi driver provided about features as we passed the shoreline of the river. He deliberately drove the boat into particular bays with specific and interesting histories. At that time, I had walked both the eastern and western shores of the Derwent River and had researched and seen a great deal, however, during the boat ride I gained new information.  More delightfully I saw the land from a new angle and appreciated the Derwent River quite differently.  It was an experience about which I enthused to friends and encouraged them to try.

So it is not surprising that when, not so long ago and since that memorable trip by water to New Norfolk, the story of the ceasing of this water taxi business became big news, I was stunned.  You can read more at http://www.themercury.com.au/news/tasmania/hobart-water-taxi-operator-rod-howard-winds-up-after-seven-years-of-feast-or-famine/story-fnj4f7k1-1227278029630

I am very sorry that Rod Howard felt he had to pull the plug and close the service.

The Derwent River is an extraordinary resource which should be used frequently by commuters and tourists. The harbour is one of the most picturesque in the world, yet people are have not been patronising services sufficiently for someone to be gainfully employed. Alas, there are no longer any commuter services on the water, and apart from the MONA ferry, the Peppermint Bay cruise and the historic old Cartela, there are few other locals boats plying the waters to carry locals and tourists around.